Doug and Mike Starn's work is very simple, yet profoundly groundbreaking in the sense that it captivates the common audience with simple aesthetics. In their exhibition, titled "Absorption+Transmission" is something that I have not seen in the past. The simple pictures of the branches of trees seen in some of their work exemplifies the element of contrast that is obviously an integral part of the piece itself. The simplicity seen in the pictures posted on their online gallery encompass a lot natural elements, and it seems like nature is a big inspiration for their work. In the Gravity of Life exhibit, they use the unlikely subject of light as the main inspiration to produce some of their work. It is this type of thinking that sets them apart from the rest in terms of using a combination of shadows and light to produce a different perception on how light can be used in the art world. A numerous amount of contemporary artists forget to establish the idea that truly makes them artists, and that is the unique, one of a kind element that sets them apart from the rest. I believe Doug and Mike Starn carry this element in their work and it truly showcases their talent as artists
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