Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Online Artist #3-Karen Hatzigeorgiou

Karen Hatzigeorgiou's work is incredible in the confines of fine art on an altered book piece. Her pages represent mini-masterpieces. A numerous amount of her design work and constant integration of different geometric designs and overlays equates to a collaboration of various elements, producing a work that is unique and incomparable to what is the international standard for an altered book design. Perhaps the best aspect of her work is the simplicity she tries to implement in her work. Its unique in the sense that the simpleness of her designs only add to the content she tries to provide. She also cuts a numerous amount of different material to make one complete work. She stays very consistent within the confines of her work and this is one element that is lacking in the art world.
I really admire her use of cutting up certain objects and placing them almost randomly on the book page. It goes along with the specific things I want to do with my book and I gain inspiration from some of her designs.

For a Look at Karen Hatzigeorgiou's work CLICK HERE

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