Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Graffiti Artists Barry McGee and Margaret Kilgallen

Both Barry McGee and Margaret Kilgallen were both graffiti artists that did their work on trains and other urban infrastructure. Graffiti art has always been perceived by the general public as a very unconventional and often unappealing form of art. It has never really been embraced by purists of the art world and is often ridiculed in the mainstream aspect of things. However, both McGee and Kilgallen were both commissioned artists that were very determined to practice this type of urban art. Both were influenced by folk art from traditional American to foreign types such as Indian folk art work. There tagging of trains and viewing of other work done by other individuals on trains were very influential and were perceived as a sort of timeline. Though they were graffiti artists, they were also gallery artists, and were thought of by the graffiti world as "sell-outs" to the underground scene.  

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