Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Online Artist #3-Karen Hatzigeorgiou

Karen Hatzigeorgiou's work is incredible in the confines of fine art on an altered book piece. Her pages represent mini-masterpieces. A numerous amount of her design work and constant integration of different geometric designs and overlays equates to a collaboration of various elements, producing a work that is unique and incomparable to what is the international standard for an altered book design. Perhaps the best aspect of her work is the simplicity she tries to implement in her work. Its unique in the sense that the simpleness of her designs only add to the content she tries to provide. She also cuts a numerous amount of different material to make one complete work. She stays very consistent within the confines of her work and this is one element that is lacking in the art world.
I really admire her use of cutting up certain objects and placing them almost randomly on the book page. It goes along with the specific things I want to do with my book and I gain inspiration from some of her designs.

For a Look at Karen Hatzigeorgiou's work CLICK HERE

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Online Artist #2-Jeanne Minnix

Jeanne Mix is a famous altered book artist that uses typography and beautiful imagery by means of using an abundant amount of mediums to compose her work. It is centered around the idea of combining two unlike elements to make one complete and whole piece. It is definitely a new and unique way to blend certain materials. She also uses a lot of color mixture along with the typography in a very random and almost by chance to create what looks like a grudge sort of style. She has done a lot of work by various companies, such as Anchorage Convention & Visitors Bureau, New Mexico Popejoy Hall, Sky City Casino, Six Flags Magic Mountain, Bank first and Suntrust Bank. Her work is focused around a lot of separation that is clear an evident. The messages in her work are clear and concise, and allows the viewer of her work to discern some of the underlying meanings in her work.
I can gain some inspiration from her work with regards to the incorporation of typography into the overall design of my book. Mix's use of the certain juxtapositions of some of her work only adds to the overall dynamics of her work. This element is something I definitely want to emulate but never duplicate.

Her work can be seen by CLICKING HERE

Famous Online Artist #1 Linda Zacks

Linda Zacks is a famous online artist who is also responsible for the development of numerous mainstream websites. She left her imprint in the electronic design world by developing web pages for companies such as Nickelodeon, Spike TV, Fila, eBay, and VH1. These websites were the first of their kind and many have imitated or replicated these very same designs that Linda Zacks originated herself during the website boom in years passed. Zacks was revolutionary in her attempt to collaborate both form and function through an electronic outlet. Her designs helped bring about a technical revolution, one that used electronic media as a means of communication aesthetically along with form and function. Therefore, combining a form of marketing that was visually appealing to her audience, all the while creating a new genre of art that was ready for mass consumption at the dawn of the new century.
With regards to her influence on some of the work I am doing is represented by the random placement of certain integral elements represented in the work. I believe in doing so, creating what some would presume to be a collage of random parts would actually make a new form of aesthetic.

For samples Linda Zacks Work Click Here

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Artist Reflection: Katherine Westerhoust

Katherine's photos circulating around the idea of taking old, abandoned, and deteriorating buildings gives new insight on what society may define as beauty. To the average individual, if someone were to describe to them how an old broken down prison could transform into something so beautiful they would probably think you are insane. However, Katherine Westerhoust's work defines that in every way, shape or form. Her photos tell a different tale, one in depicting old rotten buildings as the new form of aesthetic. It is very revolutionary with regards to the altering of how civilization as a collective whole has defined what is aesthetically pleasing and what is not. It breaks down the boundaries that circumscribe what the "norm" should be and emphasizes that being original and uniquely different from the rest can bring forth major positives. 

Artist Reflection: Edward Burtynsky

Edward Burtynsky's work consisted of a montage of industrial waste depicting how biological and electrical waste has damaged the earth. He was mainly in China, photographing electronic waste that has developed over the years. Overtime, this waste has contaminated the waters surrounding the area. Therefore, the affected community has to have their water imported. Along with the pictures of industrial waste, Burtynsky also took pictures of used oil tankers that were being torn down. The pictures he took gives the audience the lonely and desolate look. Altogether, his pictures definitely exposed the fact that humanity is tearing this planet apart and if we do not do anything soon, then we will eventually destroy it. 

Poster #3- The world is yours

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Art is for the Heart Poster #2

Money is the root of ALL evil: poster 1

Artist Book #1 thoughts and recollections

Initially, I did not have a premise or background on where I should start with this book. The idea of creating a book themed on the roll of art in my life and how it is an outlet for many people to express their inner most feelings that may be positive or negative came to mind. Since art for many people varies, I used the idea of producing a book with a montage of differing mediums, from collage to stencils to using paint itself, the overall ideology of the book comes from adding all of these different elements to combine as one cohesive whole. I used the thought of torn pages from a various amount of magazines as "paint" to disguise the front. I especially liked the picture of someone's mouth on the cover shouting as if to say this is my way to reveal suppressed feelings of art and how it can be seen by means of artistic expression. The contents of the book, in page by page form, reveals the different ways that art can be indeed for the heart, in a form of therapy, passion or just an overall past time for anyone to cherish.

Artist Book Picture Contents

artist Book Picture Contents

Artist Book Picture Contents

Artist Book Picture Back

Artist Book Picture Front