Jeanne Mix is a famous altered book artist that uses typography and beautiful imagery by means of using an abundant amount of mediums to compose her work. It is centered around the idea of combining two unlike elements to make one complete and whole piece. It is definitely a new and unique way to blend certain materials. She also uses a lot of color mixture along with the typography in a very random and almost by chance to create what looks like a grudge sort of style. She has done a lot of work by various companies, such as Anchorage Convention & Visitors Bureau, New Mexico Popejoy Hall, Sky City Casino, Six Flags Magic Mountain, Bank first and Suntrust Bank. Her work is focused around a lot of separation that is clear an evident. The messages in her work are clear and concise, and allows the viewer of her work to discern some of the underlying meanings in her work.
I can gain some inspiration from her work with regards to the incorporation of typography into the overall design of my book. Mix's use of the certain juxtapositions of some of her work only adds to the overall dynamics of her work. This element is something I definitely want to emulate but never duplicate.